Message from the CEO
1984/3 | 慶應義塾大学 工学部 機械工学科 卒業 |
1984/4 - 1998/1 | 日本精工株式会社 |
1998/9 - 2001/4 | デーナジャパン株式会社 |
2001/5 - 2003/4 | べバストジャパン株式会社 |
2003/9 - 2008/1 | ベンテラーオートモーティブジャパン株式会社 ディレクターストラクチャー |
2008/1 - 2012/9 | ブレンボジャパン株式会社 代表取締役 社長 |
2012/10 - 2015/10 | ZANA / BOS 代表取締役 社長 / ジェネラルマネージャー |
2015/10 - 2018/12 | ジョンソンコントロールズ株式会社(アディエント合同会社) 代表取締役 社長&グループVP |
2019/6 - 2021/1 | 日本グッドイヤー株式会社 常務取締役 / アドバイザー 2子会社会長 Goodyear Japan - Member of the board & Senior sales Director Chairman of 2 child companies |
Message from friends
Through Mr. Uchida, I have also become acquainted with people from other automobile companies.
Not only that, he also went to meet the president of my company, whom I had never met before, without hesitation.
I am always amazed at the breadth of his human relationships and his power of action like this.
I believe that the first time Brembo was used in Lexus brakes was a result of his hard work.
I've known Mr. Uchida since the days of Dana Japan, more than 20 years ago.
Did his extraordinary energy come from his time in England? Or was he born with it? It is still a mystery to me.
I enjoyed working with Hiro, I deeply appreciated his sense of organization, fast analyze spirit. He’s a person who first listen before talking. This helped to well define customer needs.
Hiro is a trustable person I would like to have the opportunity to work again with him.
current Fischer Connectors SA Product Manger
現フィッシャーコネクターズ プロダクトマネージャー
内田氏は、日本のベアリング会社に勤められた後、いくつかの外資系日本法人のトップマネージメントに抜擢され活躍されている。内田氏と出会ったのは、まだ仕事で繋がりがなかった頃ではあるが、内田氏の気さくで人との関係を積極的に築づくスタイルで幅広い業界の経営や執行に携わる人材との交流を持っており、結果を出すために必要な情報を収集できる様に日頃から行動している。内田氏の持つ情報網は広く内田氏の知識の源泉と言え、特に自動車業界においては、主要各社の状況に詳しい。 内田氏は極めてチャレンジャブルで困難を伴う難しい仕事を部下の先頭に立って動かし、結果を出してきた実績を持つ。自動車業界の閉鎖的慣習をものともせず、論理的で戦略的な外交により不可能と言われる新規受注を獲得してきた。
元株式会社SUBARU 常務役員
After working for a Japanese bearing company, Uchida was selected for top management roles at several, foreign-affiliated, Japanese corporations. I met Uchida without a specific work interest, and could already be part of his wide industrial network, and his constant search for new information across the automotive industry experts.
He is literally updating himself through conversation with industry experts and the relations he fosters. It has been proven in multiple cases for his fast track record within the automotive industry in Japan by introducing foreign products, which is known as one of the most traditional and closed communities to deal with. He has such charm and inspiration that you want to stay in touch to enjoy dialogue with him regardless of whether you have an ongoing project or not.
ex-SUBARU CORPORATION Senior Vice President Cost planning and administration
山陽小野田市立 山口東京理科大学 工学部機械工学科 教授
元マツダ株式会社 チーフエンジニア MX-5
Mr. Uchida is a rare talent who thinks about things from a global perspective and leads business to success. His action shines with the character who loves the “best-in-class” in everything, and he has the magical power to make people happy. We sincerely recommend him as the best partner to work with.
ex-Mazda Mortor Co. Chief Engineer MX-5
Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering
在日米国商工会議所 理事
日本輸入化粧品協会 理事長
Hiro is an expert in the automotive and industrial world with significant results and experience. He has managed highly international and high value projects, demonstrating great leadership and communication skills. He is passionate and extremely thorough in what he does.
One of his special attributes is his creativity to co-create new ideas within his broad network, where he shares and exchanges thoughts. I am thrilled to see him continue to contribute to the global automotive industry.
ex-General Manager, REVLON K.K.
President, Cosmetic Importers Association of Japan
Board of Governor, ACCJ
Hiro has always been a team builder. Even early on in his career, his leadership skills were evident. He had the unique ability to bring together people with different cultural backgrounds and skill sets to achieve results.
Liebherr Gear Technoloty and Automation Systems